Advertising Week: Special Teams Deliver in 2013 Brand Bowl

When he who lives under the nearest rock asks you who won the Super Bowl, you might be tempted to scream Beyonce!#$!, but you’ll eventually answer ‘the Ravens’.

When he who lives under a slightly more academic rock asks you who won the Brand Bowl, you’ll be confronted with several possibilities.

Ram, with unarguably the most beautiful spot of the night from The Richards Group, was excellent. Hyundai had a great night. Audi, Taco Bell, Kia, the NFL – not to mention the ever-adorable Budweiser Clydesdales – all deserve our praise.

But who really won the Brand Bowl?

Find out after the jump to Advertising Week! 

Snickers Could’ve Gone Deep, Still Wins

BBDO New York and Snickers reeled in Robin Williams for part of their “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” campaign — and with a release so close to the Big Game, I can’t help but think this screams Super Bowl ad. With about as much quality production as you can imagine cramming into 30 seconds and an all-star performance from Williams, this ad certainly achieves what it set out to: Eat Snickers (damnit!) or you’re destined for ramblings on about Mother Russia’s tea cozies.

For insights and commentary on ads that did make the cut, stay tuned!